Pusat Penelitian Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia (PPK UI) sedang melakukan Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan di Jawa Tahun 2018.
Kami membutuhkan enumerator untuk survei dimaksud, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Tidak sedang terikat oleh kontrak kerja dengan lembaga/ proyek lain
2. Berjenis kelamin perempuan
2. Memiliki latar belakang pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 di bidang kesehatan atau sosial
3. Berpengalaman sebagai enumerator pada survei rumah tangga
4. Memiliki komitmen bekerja full time di lapangan selama bulan November - Desember 2018
5. Bertanggungjawab, jujur, dan mampu bekerja dalam tim
6. Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman riset dengan menggunakan Android (tablet/HP)
7. Memiliki track record baik pada berbagai kegiatan penelitian di lembaga manapun
8. Diutamakan berdomisili di masing-masing provinsi lokasi studi.
Peminat dimohon mengisi formulir rekrutmen pada link berikut ini:
Siapkan soft file CV singkat padat maksimal 3 halaman dalam bentuk word/pdf (tanpa pasfoto) krn diminta upload pada akhir formulir.
Pengisian formulir rekrutmen ditutup pada Kamis, 1 November 2018 pukul 23.59 WIB.
HANYA pelamar lolos seleksi yang akan dihubungi melalui pesan whatsapp.
Terima kasih.
Sarana untuk berbagi informasi dan lowongan ENUMERATOR, tenaga lapangan Survey, ataupun PENELITIAN. Serta lowongan yang relevan || Join Grup Telegram: @enumerator || Chanel Telegram: @enumeratorchanel || IG : @lokerenum *Note : Enumerator/pengumpul data Lapangan/Researcher/Peneliti/Surveyor/Koordinator Lapangan yang sifatnya Freelance
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018
Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018
Loker Enumerator JRI Research
membutuhkan 3 enumerator domisili mataram dan sekitarnya untuk melakukan survei terkait penggunaan biogas pada rumah tangga di wilayah lombok barat, lombok tengah dan lombok timur..durasi pengambilan data sekitar 5 s.d 7 hari dr tgl 26 oktober 2018 s.d 2 november 2018..
Kualifikasi yg d butuhkan :
1. Pria/wanita lulusan segala jurusan / mahasiswa semester akhir
2. Memiliki motor dan sim c
3. Berpengalaman menjadi enumerator
Bagi yg berminat bisa menghubungi via wa
Cp : 087882021224 (dhita) dgn mengirimkan biodata serta pengalaman riset yg pernah d ikuti
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018
Loker Asisten Peneliti LINKS
Lowongan Asisten Peneliti
LINKS membutuhkan asisten peneliti untuk kegiatan Sosial Impact Assessment di 5 (lima) perusahaan sawit yg berada di kabupaten Ketapang Kalimantan Barat. Persyaratan sebagai berikut:
1. Sarjana sosial/ geografi/ kehutan
2. Pernah melakukan riset sosial (diutamakan kualitatif)
3. Mampu menulis laporan hasil riset
4. Memiliki pengetahuan atau berminat belajar tentang industri sawit (diuatamakan)
5. Memiliki kemampuan team work yg baik
Jika berminat dan sesuai kualifikasi silahkan mengirim cv dan lamaran ke alamat email: rizaulinsan@links.or.id
Deadline lamaran: Tgl 9 November 2018. Pukul 14.00 Wib
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018
Loker Staf Lapangan Yayasan BINTARI
Kami Yayasan BINTARI, sebuah LSM yang bergerak di bidang lingkungan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Sejak 1986, kami bekerja bersama pemerintah baik daerah maupun pusat, masyarakat, dan sektor swasta untuk upaya pendidikan lingkungan dan pelestarian daerah aliran sungai, rehabilitasi ekologis dan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui perbaikan matapencaharian masyarakat pesisir serta peningkatan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana akibat perubahan iklim.
Kami saat ini bekerja di beberapa wilayah dampingan di tingkat masyarakat pesisir dan perkotaan di beberapa Kabupaten dan Kota di Indonesia dalam kerangka pembangunan berkelanjutan serta upaya adaptasi dan mitigasi.
Kegiatan yang kami laksanakan hingga saat ini bertujuan untuk mendorong pemerintah, masyarakat dan sektor swasta untuk melakukan program pengurangan sampah laut melalui pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat dengan keterlibatan pihak-pihak terkait seperti pemerintah dan perusahaan. Saat ini kami sedang mencari kandidat untuk mengisi posisi:
“Staf Lapangan”
Improving Recycle Capacity of City Waste Management Stakeholders through Integration of Extended Stakeholders Reponsibility (ESR).
Area Program di Semarang, kontrak kerja 1 November 2018 – 31 Oktober 2020
dengan tanggung jawab sebagai berikut:
1. Melakukan penilaian dan potensi terhadap potensi bank sampah di Kota Semarang dalam kegiatan pengembangan bisnis sampah daur ulang
2. Melakukan pendekatan, konsolidasi, mediasi dan fasilitasi kepada bank sampah untuk melakukan pengelolaan sampah sesuai dengan target proyek
3. Mengidentifikasi isu-isu pengelolaan sampah di tingkat bank sampah dan kota
4. Melakukan pengelolaan sampah, yakni pemilahan sampah di tingkat Bank Sampah
5. Melakukan edukasi dan kampanye pengelolaan sampah, mulai dari pengumpulan, pemilahan, dan pengolahan di tingkat Bank Sampah dan masyarakat
6. Menyiapkan kelompok target untuk terlibat aktif di dalam kegiatan proyek, seperti pertemuan, pelatihan, dan edukasi
7. Berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan program officer dalam pelaksanaan program,
8. Melaporkan kegiatan dalam bentuk laporan narative secara tertulis,
Kualifikasi dan kemampuan yang dibutuhkan untuk posisi tersebut:
1. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik,
2. Berijazah minimal Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan setingkatnya
3. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat dan pembangunan berkelanjutan
4. Memiliki pengalaman minimal satu tahun bekerja dengan masyarakat
5. Bersedia bekerja aktif di malam hari dan hari libur untuk bertemu dengan masyarakat di dalam pertemuan dengan masyarakat
6. Memiliki motivasi diri yang tinggi dan kemampuan untuk bekerja dalam tim,
7. Memiliki kemampuan menulis yang baik,
8. Bersedia menerima konsekuensi dari pekerjaan lapangan yang dijalani
9. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM C
10. Diutamakan memiliki SIM A dan dapat mengendarai kendaraan roda 4
Kirim lamaran dan CV ke HRD Yayasan BINTARI melalui e-mail ke :
bintari.foundation@yahoo.co.id dengan subjek “Staf Lapangan” paling lambat tanggal 22 Oktober 2018.
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018
Loker Koordinator Lapangan PPK UI
Pusat Penelitian Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia (PPK UI) sedang melakukan Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Perempuan di Jawa Tahun 2018.
Kami membutuhkan KOORDINATOR LAPANGAN untuk survei dimaksud, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Tidak sedang terikat oleh kontrak kerja dengan lembaga/ proyek lain
2. Memiliki latar belakang pendidikan minimal S1 di bidang kesehatan atau sosial
3. Berpengalaman sebagai koordinator lapangan/ asisten koordinator lapangan pada survei rumah tangga
4. Memiliki komitmen bekerja full time di lapangan selama bulan November - Desember 2018
5. Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman riset dengan menggunakan Android (tablet/HP)
6. Mempunyai track record baik pada berbagai kegiatan penelitian di lembaga manapun.
Peminat dimohon mengisi formulir rekrutmen pada link berikut ini:
Siapkan soft file CV singkat padat maximal 3 halaman dlm bentuk word/pdf (tanpa pasfoto) krn diminta upload pada akhir formulir.
Rekrutmen ditutup pada Senin 15 Oktober 2018 pukul 23.59 WIB.
HANYA pelamar lolos seleksi yang akan dihubungi melalui pesan whatsapp.
Terima kasih.
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018
OpRec Program Coordinator AHF
Program Coordinator
Based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), a non-profit, is a global organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to one million patients in 41 countries. We are the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S. AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) is a legally registered NGO operating in Indonesia. AHF Indonesia collaborates with Ministry of Health as the counterpart partners and other partner organizations, to provide program technical assistance to these key stakeholders to deliver quality and comprehensive HIV/AIDS treatment, Care and Support, HIV counseling, and testing, Prevention, Nutrition and Psychosocial services to the key population and people living with HIV/AIDS.
AHF Indonesia is looking for a competent candidate for the positon of Program Coordinator. The position is required to provide good support for the implementation of AHF program to make sure the project goal and expectation are met. AHF Program coordinator will build and maintain a good partnership and collaboration with government, Healthcare services and NGOs at the Provincial and District level and occasionally contribute to national HIV strategy and action in Indonesia.
Qualifications and experience:
Education and/or Experience
· Master’s Degree in public health or social sciences equivalent qualification
· Certificates from recognized a university
· Minimum seven years related experience, preferably in a field directly related to operational duties
· Experience working with INGO/NGO and healthcare delivery systems is and added advantage
· A general understanding of all aspects of HIV-AIDS, Testing, treatment and STI program
· Experience in networking, liaison, training, institutional strengthening, research and monitoring;
Skills and Specifications
· Excellent organizational skills;
· Excellent interpersonal skills;
· Demonstrate computer skills in Microsoft Office Suite applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and advance skills in the use of other internet tools and application.
· Excellent oral and written communication effectively in English in a variety of settings such as staff meetings, discussions with partners, and training workshops;
· Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of managers, clients, customers and the public
· Ability to write routine reports and correspondences;
· Ability to deal with problems involving several concrete variables in standardized situations and Make decision and solve problems in complex situations.
· Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines with many tasks at one time.
· Able to travel within the country and the countries of Asia Bureau;
· Be a strategic thinker, have good organizational and planning skills and ability to prioritize tasks and work quickly and accurately to meet deadlines;
· Flexible, proactive and able to organize work independently as well as work in a team.
· Team players and service-minded
Essential Duties & Responsibilities
- Liaison, collaboration and coordination with both government and non-government organizations; NGO, GFATM and other key stakeholders in policy and program development related to HIV-AIDS CST, VCT and HIV testing education and treatment program implementationand aiming to prevent the spread of HIV, particularly regarding testing and treatment.
- Support for capacity building / training related to HIV e.g. outreach programs, counselling and testing, community empowerment, community organizing, and paralegal for individuals and organizations;
- Facilitate development of referral networks and utilisation of existing and new HIV-AIDS services to improve access to a comprehensive range of services; and
· With guidance from CPM; plan and implement program activities related to capacity building, biannual meeting and monitor and evaluate the program activities.
· Support CPM in planning and implementing marketing and advocacy activities
· Participate and interact in advocacy events/activities, national events and meetings
· Attending meetings as assigned
· Participating in skype call meeting with Global and Bureau team
· Supervision of provincial scaling up activities currently being implemented
· Supervision and technical assistance support for AHF counterparts and grant partners in both West Java and DKI Jakarta in the development and implementation of appropriate strategies to address contextual factors that influence vulnerability HIV.
· Assisting in the coordination and monitoring of progress of project activities and project partner performance in the provinces and district level including supervise partner’s data report.
· Assisting the Country Program Manager as required in coordination of all project activities in the province
All applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Please submit your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by email not later than October 25, 2018 to: GlobalHR.Asia@aidshealth...org Please visit our website to learn more about AHF www.aidshealth.org.
Please fill the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: The Position–Your Name. File attachment not later than 1MB.
OpRec Data Analyst & Reporting Officer KNCV
KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis (TB), the deadliest infectious disease in the world. KNCV is an international center of excellence for TB control that promotes effective, efficient, innovative and sustainable tuberculosis control strategies in a national and international context. Our multidisciplinary team of passionate professionals covers a broad range of expertise such as programmatic TB control, research, clinical management, social science, education, digital health, and project management. Over the past century KNCV has made a significant contribution to the successful fight against TB in the Netherlands. Since the 1970s, we have shared our knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world. We operate from a central office in The Hague, the Netherlands, a regional office in Central Asia and country offices in Africa and (central) Asia. KNCV raises funds from private, institutional, corporate and government donors. KNCV Indonesia helps to combat tuberculosis in Indonesia in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health.
Challenge TB
KNCV is the lead partner in Challenge TB (CTB), the new USAID-funded 5-year global program to decrease TB mortality and morbidity in high burdened countries. We lead an international consortium with eight partner organizations: American Thoracic Society (ATS), Family Health International (FHI 360), Interactive Research & Development (IRD), Japanese Anti Tuberculosis Foundation (JATA), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), and the World Health Organization.
The overarching strategic objectives of Challenge TB are to improve access to quality patient centered care for TB, TB/HIV, and MDR-TB services; to prevent transmission and disease progression; and to strengthen TB platforms.
Currently KNCV is looking for a:
Data Analyst & Reporting Officer
Duty Stations: Representative Officer, Jakarta
In collaboration with Technical Officer – Operational Research and other CTB technical team, the Data Analyst & Reporting Officer will responsible for complete data set and analysis for Intensive Case Finding – Operational Research (ICF-OR) and other CTB activities, complete report on ICF OR and other CTB activities, as well as CTB publications.
Key Responsibilities include:
- Prepare annual work plans under his/her responsibility and assure timely submission of these work plans to Technical Assistance Coordinator.
- Monitor implementation of approved activities under his/her responsibility and ensure achievement of its expected outputs in coordination with project operational unit..
- In collaboration with TO-OR provide technical assistance to NTP to ensure implementation of OR, particularly ICF-OR.
- Provide technical inputs related to data management and analysis to CTB technical team and System Information and Knowledge Management (SIKM).
- Conduct evaluation and documentation of small-scale implementation of new approaches/models to provide strategic information, including the recommendations to the NTP for further decisions for policy-making.
- Together with the senior epidemiologist(s) from KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (Central Office) and TO-OR, assist report writing and publication for Challenge TB project.
- Supervise and monitor activities related to data management and identify problems, advise on necessary corrective actions, follow-up on these actions, and prepare brief visit reports on findings and recommendations.
- Assist the KNCV-Challenge TB SIKM unit in managing accurate, reliable and timely data of OR implementation.
- Review and provide technical inputs to periodical progress reports, review related field reports from provinces and provide field visit reports in accordance with KNCV-Challenge TB guidelines and submit it to the Technical Assistance Coordinator and the SIKM unit.
- Participate in the regular co-ordination meetings with NTP and other partners and in district-, provincial-, national meetings of the NTP when invited by the NTP Program Manager after consultation with the KNCV Country Representative.
- Perform other related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications and Competencies:
- University degree in Public Health, preferably in health informatics/epidemiology, statistics, or other relevant field.
- 3-5 years’ experience in managing/analysing TB/public health data, including proficiency with analytical software
- Strong skills in the use of excel
- Data processing/statistics (SPSS/STATA, etc.)
- Good report writing and communication skills
- Good analytical thinking
- Ability to successfully work within a team
- High degree of self-motivation, commitment to achieve results, and integrity
- Strong planning and organizing skills with proven ability to work effectively both independently and in a team
KNCV offers a flexible and supportive work environment and strongly encourages developing your skills and abilities to further your career opportunities.
Interested applicants are requested to submit their CV and application to recruitment.indonesia@kncvtbc. org by 25 October 2018 at the latest.
Please ensure to put the post you apply for in the subject line of your e-mail.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018
Loker Enumerator di Kota Solo
Solo Research, sebuah lembaga riset di Solo, tengah mempersiapkan riset pasar di kawasan Soloraya. Kami membutuhkan sejumlah tenaga untuk kontrak jangka pendek dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Kota Solo dan sekitarnya
3. Memiliki sepeda motor sendiri dan SIMC
4. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
5. Fresh graduate atau mahasiswa semester akhir
6. Lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai enumerator.
7. Siap bekerja sesuai target
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Kota Solo
3. Menguasai dengan baik program SPSSS 20.00 dan Microsoft Excel.
4. Dapat bekerjasama dengan tim.
5. Fresh graduate atau mahasiswa semester akhir
6. Lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai enumerator.
7. Siap bekerja sesuai target
Bagi yang berminat, segera kirim lamaran dan CV Anda ke :
Solo Research, di Griya Solopos Jl. Adisucipto No. 190 Solo.
atau email ke pusdok@solopos.co.id/
Lamaran paling lambat kami terima 19 Oktober 2018
Solo Research, sebuah lembaga riset di Solo, tengah mempersiapkan riset pasar di kawasan Soloraya. Kami membutuhkan sejumlah tenaga untuk kontrak jangka pendek dengan syarat sebagai berikut :
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Kota Solo dan sekitarnya
3. Memiliki sepeda motor sendiri dan SIMC
4. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
5. Fresh graduate atau mahasiswa semester akhir
6. Lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai enumerator.
7. Siap bekerja sesuai target
1. Pria / Wanita
2. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Kota Solo
3. Menguasai dengan baik program SPSSS 20.00 dan Microsoft Excel.
4. Dapat bekerjasama dengan tim.
5. Fresh graduate atau mahasiswa semester akhir
6. Lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai enumerator.
7. Siap bekerja sesuai target
Bagi yang berminat, segera kirim lamaran dan CV Anda ke :
Solo Research, di Griya Solopos Jl. Adisucipto No. 190 Solo.
atau email ke pusdok@solopos.co.id/
Lamaran paling lambat kami terima 19 Oktober 2018
Senin, 08 Oktober 2018
Job Vacancy : Project Coordinator at Yayasan Plan International Indonesia
International Indonesia Foundation is responding to the Palu Earthquake and
Tsunami disaster on an Orange 2 alert level, and the Deputy ERM will be
responsible for the management and oversight of all assigned field projects and
will provide technical leadership in the implementation and ensure delivery of
the Earthquake and tsunami responses projects with high quality meeting the
requirement of International standards. This position will be based in Palu...
The Emergency
Response Management (ERM), is looking
for dynamic staff to be based in Palu for the position:
Project Coordinator
Dimensions of Role: The Project Coordinator will have strong
coordination with Deputy ERM to supervise day to day management of project. The
position will ensure effective communication and coordination between partner,
communities, schools and Plan. The position will strengthen the capacity and
expertise of the partner in the areas of project implementation, monitoring,
and evaluation. Support finance and administration officer in fulfilling the
donor requirements and other related procedures. Staff who report to the
Project Coordinator. Key End Results and
typical Responsibilities: Provide
critical technical input into the program strategy, design and Detailed
Implementation Plan of the project. Develop program implementation guidelines
and tools. Develop
Project Proposal & Budget.
Identified potential
partner. Liaison &
coordination with partner. Supervise the field implementation of projects.
Monitoring & Reporting the Implementing of
project. Reporting regarding with the progress & status project to Deputy ERM. Assist partner
to develop and review project activities document both program and financial
document.. Networking and coordination with others involved in the sector of the
Project. Support advocacy activities at local level, and national level where
needed. Dealing with Complexity & Problems: Work in a multi-cultural environment,
collaborating with country level teams. High coordination and relation building
with external stakeholders. Identify urgent and potentially risky decisions and
act on them promptly. Conflict resolution at local level.
Knowledge, Skills,
Behaviors, and Experience Required to Achieve Role’s Objectives: Educational Qualifications and work
experience: Minimum
bachelor degree level educational qualification in development studies, social
studies or any relevant subject. Minimum 3 years work experience in managing multi-disciplinary project
team. Proven experience in partnership programme
operations and dealing with Government
of Indonesia (GoI), civil societies, NGO/ CBO. INGO work experience preferred. General
Knowledge: Understanding of the development sector in
Indonesia, its operating and regulatory environment. Understanding of the
socio/political economical and cultural issues of Indonesia in particular Sulawesi.Understanding
of the international human rights framework for development, key development
issues, approaches and tools. Knowledgeable on management
fundamentals. Understanding of YPII’s vision, mission values. Understanding of YPII’s
Safeguarding policy, PSEA, Financial and Admin policy and procedures at country
and global level. Knowledgeable & understanding in disaster management
context and relevant humanitarian response required to provide effective
support in the event of a disaster and proactive preparation. Function Specific: 3 years work experience in managing specific
project, in-depth technical and practical knowledge and understanding of
specific area of expertise. Skills &Ability: High quality, technically strong program.
Awareness of issues in Plan’s program and consistent advice on how to improve. Technically
competent staff at project level.
Documentation and sharing of best practices. Networking and representation of
Plan at all levels. Strategic planning and evaluating skills. Strong analytical
skills. Good command of oral and written communications... Good
facilitation and negotiation skill. Excellent understanding of sector.
applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed candidates will
be notified and invited for interviews. Please submit your letter of
application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by email not later than October 19,
2018 to: HRD.Indonesia@plan- international...org
fill the 'subject' column of the e-mails in this format: (The
Position)–(Your Name). File attachment not later than 1MB. Range
Salary: IDR 7 000 000 – 9 000 000,-
International Indonesia Foundation seeks to improve the lives
of the most marginalized, particularly girls, women, and people with
disability. We encourage people form diverse backgrounds and experiences,
particularly women and people with disability to apply
Vacancy Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks MEAL Officer - South Sulawesi Program
Save the Children
in Indonesia is changing for the better.. We've begun to build a
national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and
self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC
Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As
Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new
member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our
voice for children in strategic middle income countries.. Indonesia has
been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising
locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable
local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong
local governance structure and building key partnerships with local
government, the private sector, local civil society
among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a
pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the
following position:
MEAL OFFICER - South Sulawesi Program
Code : MO-CLM
1 Position based in Makassar
Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik partner of Save the Children in Indonesia is
changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organisation
that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children
in Indonesia namely Yayasan Sayangi Tunas
Cilik Tunas Cilik.
Updated CV and application letter should be sent to recruitment.indonesia@ savethechildren.org
Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format:
Closing date for application is up to
22 October 2018
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)
the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of
religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability
All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse
Best Regards,
Job vacancy at ASEAN Foundation
Position Description
Programme Management Officer
Locally Recruited Staff – Level 3
Direct Report
Programme Manager
Matrix Report
Executive Director
Term of Employment
This position is a non-ongoing position for an initial period of one (1) year starting in 2018, after which the position will be evaluated subject to organisation’s needs and regular performance review.
Three decades after ASEAN was established, ASEAN Leaders recognised that: there remained inadequate shared prosperity, ASEAN awareness and contact among people of ASEAN.
It was of this concern that ASEAN Leaders established the ASEAN Foundation during ASEAN’s 30th Anniversary Commemorative Summit in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 15 December 1997.
After its establishment, the ASEAN Foundationhas been tasked to support ASEAN’s community building efforts by promoting greater awareness of the ASEAN identity, human resource development, people-to-people interaction, and close collaboration among the business sector, civil society, academia and other stakeholders in ASEAN.
We continue to complement ASEAN priorities. To date, we work to strengthen the ASEAN Community.
We work in four thematic areas of education, arts and culture, media development and community building. We provide support in the form of scholarships, fellowships internships and exchanges. We organize meetings, conferences, roundtables and workshops in support of the ASEAN Community.
Position Summary
The Programme Management Officer (PMO) will work closely with programme team members, under the supervision of the Programme Manager and the guidance of the Executive Director.
The Programme Management Officer (PMO) will work as part of the programme team and will be responsible for supporting the monitoring and evaluation, research, and learning of the ASEAN Foundation. This includes supporting the programme, communication and finance teams to track progress against outcome indicators; assess, propose and implement improvements to ASEAN Foundation’s procedures and policies to facilitate learning in the organisation.
Functional Relationship
Develop and maintain effective, collaborative relationships with the following:
Internal (within Post)
Executive Director
Head of Finance and Administration
All staff of the Foundation.
External (outside Post)
Donors, Partners
ASEAN Secretariat and other ASEAN organs
Summary of Key Functions:
1) Project Management and Programme Support (50%)
- Support all M&E activities for assignedinitiatives/projects including monitoringdata quality, tracking the progress ofactivities, and contributing to staffcapacity building initiatives as necessary.
Systems Development
- Work closely with the Programme Manager, to ensure effective management of programme monitoring and research commitments and deadlines
- Support project/programme teams onways to properly document, organizeand capture program progress
- Contribute to the development of procedures, planning, and tools for monitoring, reporting, and (final) evaluation
- Provide input to proposals in matching proposed objectives and activities with appropriate indicators, monitoring and evaluation activities
- Contribute to the preparation and the conduct of external project evaluations by acting as the focal point on evaluations
- Support research about the impact of our work, including by reviewing results over time
Data Management and Analysis
- Liaises with programme/project teams to collect and analyses data and determine progress achieved by individual projects
- Creates and updates a data bank on the programming process including updates on progress of initiatives/projects, as well as operational issues in the organisation
- Support timely entry of data by the Programme team and raise alerts to Programme team and Programme Manager, if there are delays
- Maintains data integrity in our database
2) Communications, Reporting and Outreach (30%)
- Regularly documents lessons learnt on various initiatives by the ASEAN Foundation
- Collaborate with the Communication Unit in the selection and dissemination of the organisation and project results, success stories, lessons learned, etc
- Review and analyze bi-monthly reports with Programme Manager to identity the causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation and to enhance quality of reporting
- Contribute to monthly reporting of progress and impact of the programme team’s work, including preparing evidence of sharing internally and externally
- Support the Programme Manager in reviewing donors reports to ensure high quality reports are submitted on time
3) Supporting the Executive Director and the Board of Trustees Meeting (10%)
- Support the preliminary screening of partnership/sponsorship requests, concept notes for further action by following up with the relevant focal points, for the Executive Director
- Prepares reports on performance of projects and the organisation for the review of the management team on a monthly and quarterly basis and the Board of Trustees on a bi-annual basis
Person Qualifications
Education and Experience
- A Bachelor Degree in International/Development Studies,Monitoring and Evaluation, Information Management, Social Sciences, or a related field.
- A maximum of 1-2 years of relevant work experience. This may include relevant internships.
Desirable - Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
Qualifications and Technical Skill
- Excellent written & spoken English essential
- Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point
- Work experience in the area of project management and/or monitoring & evaluation is an advantage
- Work experience at international development-/international consultancy organizations is an advantage
- Knowledge of another ASEAN language other than Bahasa Indonesia
- Ability to travel internationally up to 10%
Personal Qualities
- Ability to be flexible by adapting quickly to changing priorities
- Highly motivated self-starter able to work with minimal supervision and direction
- Strong interpersonal, time management and problem-solving skills
- Comfort with managing diverse tasks simultaneously
- Excellent attention to detail, both written and numerical, and commitment to quality
- Ability to work independently and as a team player who demonstrates leadership and is able to work with partners in a sensitive and participatory manner
- Able to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders as a representative of the ASEAN Foundation, and this includes effective representation skills;
- Has the ability to work in diverse cultural contexts in a culturally appropriate manner
Application Process
- All interested applicants to send application, stating the above post with the following documents to recruitment@
a) Application letter
b) Curriculum vitae and salary history and expected salary
Deadline for Application
- Friday, 26 October 2018
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